Thursday, September 09, 2010

Living Room Progress Picture

From this angle it doesn't look like that much was done, so you'll have to trust me that this was DAYS of priming and painting and second coats and touch-ups. This room is nearly done - one day of the Big Wall of the vaulted ceiling and some final touch-ups and it's on to the bedroom painting. (Oh, and that corner by the ceiling is not DONE yet - it will be textured and blended.)

I love, love, love these colors, especially the green - Sherwin-Williams Clary Sage is just so delicious, you could use it anywhere. The upper color is Ivoire, or some Frenchified word for Ivory, I believe, but it's not like it looked on the chip. It looks wonderful, but that was a happy accident. It is more yellow than the chip, but still a great color even if accidentally great.

My living room furniture is still scrunched into the middle of the room but at least my computer is back on my desk, and tomorrow the room should be done. Next week, we move on to the bedroom, and in between I have to shift a lot of shit, and pick a color. But so far, very good!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Gorgeous. Grandgirl, boychild, the walls and all. And nothing like a deadline!

