Friday, August 27, 2010

Moving, Matronly Dresses, and Flying Monkeys

You know, I may not get a gazillion comments like the Cool Kid Bloggers, but I do enjoy the comments from The Loyal Few.

I started thinking about how many times I've moved in my adult life. Let's see - I think I have these dates right, but it was a long time ago:

1979 - MD to CA
1980 - CA to MD
1982 - MD to FL
1991 - FL to NC
1993 - NC to FL
1994 - apartment on one side of Orlando to apartment on the other
1996 - 2nd apartment to this house. And of course, beginning with my husband's diagnosis with renal cancer in the summer of 2001, all I could do was hold on and ride the crazy. So, 14+ years of living has to be addressed, more than anywhere else in my life, and I'm doing this solo.

So it's been 14.5 years since I've moved, and this will be my first solo move, ever. I'm a really good mover. I can organize the hell out of a move, but out of practice much? Doing all this shit solo? To a new place, a place I love to pieces, but is nonetheless NEW? And I have not only my own household of sentimental stuff, but all the stuff I took on when my parents died? And I am not a fresh young 30 year old of the type the world welcomes on new adventures? Yeah. Nothing at all to this.

This is a whole new world of Ruthless Disposal of Things That Don't Matter - and I'm not just talking about tangible things. It's a daily review, and so very draining.

Yes it's crazy, but I have no doubt that I should do it. I'm excited and can't wait to get on with it. I'm just freaking at 3 a.m. about all that has to come together in the next weeks/months to pull it off. Moves since 1993 were done via sweat and U-Haul. I can't do that - I'm not capable of doing that solo. I have to pay Real Movers, because loading on this end is an issue, and I'm not about to drive a U-Haul and tow a vehicle with two little dogs riding shotgun all the way to Asheville. But that's for November. I'm still dealing with September's to do list. I just want to click my heels three times and be relocated to my new home, because hell, this is a lot of tedious, nit-picky, expensive, not at all fun work.

Matronly Mother of the Bride Dresses! What the hell is up with that? Why, oh why, do these bridal companies have these MOB dresses that make me want to run away screaming? I am not trying to compete with my daughter at all - dear God, she's 5'9" and a size 4 and will be regal and gorgeous in her strapless gown and tiara and veil, and I just don't want to embarrass her by showing up in a shapeless shiny satiny sack with a baggy jacket over it. OMG, The Official MOB Dresses - I wouldn't wear them to a Halloween party.

So, yeah, I am not sleeping all that well, and I am feeling chased by the flying monkeys of all the things I have to get done and checked off the Done list before I can relax and enjoy. But second thoughts? None.


  1. A woman moved to town some years ago, into a little tiny house. Everything in the house was lovely. Exqusite, even. I commented on having a house where every single thing was so perfect and she said
    "that's what you get when you downsize".
    May you have a home where everything is perfect.

  2. You can do it, sister. I moved on my own to CA from IL, then from CA back to IL. You can totally do this. Actually, you can hire movers to do the packing for you - you may never find anything ever again, but they will do it for a nominal fee. I have moved 9 times in the past 11 yrs. I do not intend to move any more. I plan to DIE in this house.

    You're doing the right thing. Nothing but new life ahead of you in NC! Just keep eating that elephant one bite at a time.

    Teresa (Shadow5618) - one of the loyal few!

  3. I got a tube of glass paint and wrote on my bathroom mirror - "I can do it."
    Okay, the paint ran and it's black so it looks way too Morticia for a pep talk, but it helps.
    And every time I get Something Done, I raise up my arms and pretend to be Wonder Woman deflecting bullets.
    In five days, I start back to school.
    And I am nowheres near as together as you. My pile of togetherness lays in a pile and quivers at the mere mention of you Togetherness.
    I am so excited for you! I'm looking forward to pictures of your new place!

  4. Real movers are the best thing you can do for yourself! When my sister was murdered, we had to clean out and move her things from a second floor apartment. I found a company who would box it, tote it down a flight of stairs and move it 200 miles to a storage facility here in town. Eight years later, it's all still there in the storage. No one can face going through her things. But at least we did not have to pack it all up!

    My oldest son got married in a traditional Vietnamese ceremony and the ladies all wore the traditional ao dai (pronounced ow yi) outfits that I sewed. Now I want all of my children to marry Vietnamese so I never have to wear a beige (or other bland pastel) Mother of the whatever dresses.

    Are you having a big garage sale? We did that several times to redistribute our "stuff" amongst others and get a little cash. Frankly, we were so glad to get rid of things, we were hoping some of the folks were shoplifting, just so we did not have to move it!

    Take care of yourself and I hope you get some restful sleep.

  5. Your perfect MOB dress may be hiding among the cocktail dresses in your favorite department store. I found my wedding dress there - something suitable for a 50 something bride but that could be worn to other dressy occasions, including other people's weddings. The offerings in the wedding area were just depressing.

  6. Yeah, my plan (as soon as I saw what an Official MOB Ensemble looked like) is to hit up Nordstrom's for a cocktail dress. :-)

  7. Look for your MOB dress in other departments in stores. Steer clear of the bridal area. There's no reason you can't look smashing at your daughter's wedding. It will give the groom and others and idea of what she'll grow to be in the years ahead.

  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Moving just sucks. The process, not the end result. Which can be wonderful. So hang in there. Because it truly sounds like your end result will be wonderful once you get through the suck.

  9. It just tickled me to see your blog title today. He-He - I am semi-famous. Thankfully, the monkeys have flown to other folk's dreams. Things are falling into place for the move - which is 2 weeks sooner than I thought. The new landlord gave us 2 weeks free to make the move easier. Isn't that an oxymoron??? Much success being wished your way. My momma always said, What doesn't kill us makes us drink stronger booze! God, I miss her!!! - Vicki
