Sunday, May 30, 2010

Smooch, Get the Rope!


  1. Still trying to figure out this trick, huh? I love the size of Smooch - just the right size to hug - and such a perfect match for Murphy.

  2. She's an expert at fetching the ball, but the ball disappears under the furniture about 15 seconds into the game so it makes lousy video. That rope is old and I'm sure very interesting - she'd rather taste it than play with it.

  3. Such a cute video!! Thank you for sharing.

  4. They are both so cute! At least your little Smooch doesn't seem like a killer of toys - my Jasmine (Norwich Terrier) would be shaking that rope around within an inch of it's life! LOL She's killing the family budget - she would go through a new dog toy every day if we could afford it.
