Saturday, November 07, 2009

Don't Faint...

Actual knitting content:

Hat and scarf of Manos del Uruguay Classica, in the Autumn colorway. The photo almost does it justice - that stuff is just so rich and luscious. The scarf pattern is the Yarn Harlot's One Row Scarf, which is very enjoyable and just the right sort of mindless TV watching knitting I love. The hat I just made up myself - it's a no brainer 4x4 rib with an extra deep cuff, because I hate cold ears. I am now suitably accessorized for my winter travels, and I need to get cracking on Murphy's little sweaters.

Higgins is celebrating the return of Open Window Weather. It's been a long time.


Anonymous said...

Very nice Manos pair. I'm surprised you could knit with it in Florida! Here's to cold weather visits ahead.

Catherine said...

It's called air conditioning. It makes it possible to function here during the six months of sheer hell that are summer.

Catherine said...

And the AC was turned on again today, and there's a hurricane in the Gulf. Sigh....