Friday, September 04, 2009

We just had a wonderful LONG walk!

I promise I will not blog endlessly about the dog's tummy - I know he's the star who attracts all the hits from all over the world, but honestly, I don't want to turn into one of those boring mommies who describes every one of the baby's bowel movements. :-) But I will share, because I know his fans care, that Murphy just took a nice long walk which he enjoyed immensely, he bounced along like his old energetic self, and damn near caught a giant grasshopper, which made me scream, because can you imagine the effect of even a few giant grasshopper parts on his healing tummy? It made me scream AND jerk him back hard from the grasshopper-grabbing, but no harm done; his incision appears to be almost completely healed. I'm thinking the staples will be able to come out next week, as soon as I can make an appt. to make it so.

And he loves his new dry food so much, I am shocked! This dog has never, ever in his life enjoyed dog food. Believe me, we tried them all. He REALLY hates all canned, and picks grudgingly at dry if I mix it with some chopped chicken breast. But he loves this Royal Canin so much he gobbles it without chicken. I'm so glad, because when I heard the words "special diet" all I could think was, "Oh God, this dog is so picky, how will we manage?" I pictured buying a bag of this very expensive special veterinary diet and Murphy flat rejecting it and demanding nothing but chicken and rice. I hope his enthusiasm for it never wanes. I still mix in a little, very little, minced chicken breast as a treat, but yes, a miracle has occurred. Murphy is eating dry dog food, and LIKING it!

It's a 3 day weekend, and I promise there will be Murphy pictures as well as actual pictures and discussion of actual knitting. Hard to remember that once upon a time, this started as a knitting blog. That was a lot of years ago.


Anonymous said...

Have always been fascinated by the casual way dogs IGNORE the fact that they have had major abdominal surgery. Became even more astonished after my hysterectomy.

Can you imagine a post-op human rolling and wriggling on that towel with such abandon and enjoyment? I really believe that because dogs are incapable of worrying about 'unzipping' they ignore any discomfort and get on with life.

Wisdom, indeed.

Hugs all round,

Gae, in Callala Bay

Catherine said...

Two hysterectomies and a brain thing here, and yeah, his cheerful management of it has been fun to watch. The first few days? No way was he even interested in getting on the couch! After a few days, why not? Last night we resumed sleeping in the bedroom, and I was horrified when he jumped off the bed! Again, I was a wreck and kicking myself for letting him on the bed; he was fine. Today, he proved it by taking a nice long walk and leaping to catch a grasshopper. A week post-op - and his little belly was cut from breastbone to just before his um-hum. (Not being delicate, just trying to avoid random spambots.)

Anonymous said...

Bobby loves the Royal Canin (yorkshire blend), never had a problem with this food! He does like a teaspoon of cottage cheese on top but I figure that really isn't a problem. Of course the cat also loves the dog's Royal Canin food which is a problem. Bob of course likes the cat's Science Diet Sensitive Stomach cat food. Weird feeding these guys! Thank god the cat eats up on the counter! Good luck with Murphy and his new diet!

Anonymous said...

Weird animals - t'other evening I was enjoying a bowl of miso soup with extra-Wakame.

Who would ever guess that an Italian Greyhound would eat seaweed? Greedily.

And old Vegemite used to love a spear of fresh steamed asparagus.

Gae, in Callala Bay

Catherine said...

OH, too funny - my cats are also on Science Diet Sensitive Stomach! Murphy mostly ignores it, but the cats appreciate the Royal Canin.

Anonymous said...

Since I have just had a somewhat-scary vet thing (not nearly as scary as yours, but still), I am following the adventures of Murphy even more closely.

Go Murph! And go you!


Teresa said...

Knitting is great, and all, but we dog lovers will be quite content with Murphy stories! We are all so glad the little guy is feeling better! We'll let you know when you get boring - you just keep writing, Catherine! We're all on your side!

Teresa and Casey

Unknown said...

He's just so cute and adorable and can't help but to check on glad he's doing so well.

I forgot that this was a knitting blog...ha ha...I'm new to knitting and want to attempt a sweater...still working on scarfs.