Friday, January 18, 2008

Pig Ear Video

I've never tried uploading video, but here goes. Please note that when I told Dudley to get it off the chair, he immediately, obediently tried to do so, only to have Murphy charge him and try to take the pig ear away, which is of course why he was chewing the damn thing on the chair in the first place. Grandmas are so clueless sometimes.


Bess said...

Oh la! I laughed so hard at that video. I heart dogs!

dragon knitter said...

that was so cute!

Restless Knitter said...

Haha that was so cute!

vi said...

he did get it off the chair.......even WITH murphy chasing him

what is the problem?
it is HIS CHAIR after all no????


Catherine said...

HE is allowed to be on the chair, but chewies leave chewy goo. Those are banned - his mommy's brand new sectional sofa doesn't need chewy blotches. So we keep a "no chewies on the furniture" rule, which means that he can't retreat with the chewy when Murphy is in pursuit. It spares the furniture and levels the playing field at the same time.

Amie said...

What that needed to have been filmed in my house was the big exasperated pit bull sigh before getting off the furniture, and the one doing the chasing was a cat one-fifth the size of the one being chased. The dog toy would be comparitively the same size (and therefore bigger than the chaser).

But otherwise, yes, my house. :D

Good boy, Dudley!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. My old Yorkie, Teddie, trained me to hold the pig's ear while she chewed it. In many ways, she wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but she figured out that I have opposable thumbs at a fairly young age.

ChelleC said...

Never realize pig ears were so sought after by the dogs. Hmmm. I may have to get my dog one too

Catherine said...

I know! I have walked past the bins of pig ears in various pet stores and thought, "Ewww." Girl's roommate is more down to earth than I, she bought them for her lab mix dog, and Dudley was introduced to the glory that is the pig ear. Murphy never had one until last week, and he definitely thought I'd been holding out on him all this time, not sharing the Best Dog Treat Ever. And so far (knocks wood) they haven't made him sick. His stomach is Highly Sensitive, but apparently pig ears are okay.