Friday, January 25, 2008

Fish, Shawl, Friday.

The UV filter was a really great investment, the pond is PERFECT. The flecks on the water are fish food. I tried to get a pic of my favorite fish (yes, I have a favorite fish) but I'll need to bring out the Big Camera and really work at it. You can see him in the swarm, the really big one. He's 7 years old. I don't know how long goldfish live "in the wild" but that seems old to me.

Another crappy shot of the blocked Euroflax Barcelona shawl, but not quite as crappy as the last one. It fits, sort of - it's a teeny bit shorter than perfect, but the linen drapes and clings so nicely, it really will stay in place. And when I threw it over the unused curtain rod on the door (whoops, yet another little thingie to address before the house goes on the market) I had a Mason-Dixon like thought about a linen curtain panel for the door. Let's hope I get a freaking job before I revisit this idea.

On that subject (the j-o-b) I sent out a couple of resumes to local headhunters, the same people who were calling me pretty regularly a year ago, when I HAD a job. crickets chirping Sigh. Then I looked at MD on Monster, and saw, oh, 14 potential jobs, including one that would be a really great fit, in about two minutes. Unfortunately, I am here until the house sells, I cannot afford to relocate until it does, no how, no way. I am consciously avoiding reading stories about the recession (when they start asking if we are in one or saying we might be in one soon, yes, we are already there). I know the housing market and the job market are in the toilet, thank you, I have already been flushed.

I am knitting somewhat obsessively lately, I have to be careful that I don't knit myself into a crippled right hand, because I am knitting obsessively with linen. Again, "inspired by" Mason-Dixon, I am making linen hand towels out of some champagne beige Euroflax from Le Stash. I am so glad to have Le Stash right now, not so glad to have this much time to put a dent in it. Photos of the first finished towel this weekend. I am pleased. I do love linen, I know it's not the most user-friendly of yarns, but I find it strangely pleasant, which is really weird because I've never been a big fan of cotton - some cotton yarns, yeah, but, and dare I say this out loud? I've never seen the point of cotton washcloths. They're too damn heavy when wet, and most don't have any "scrubbiness" (it is too a word) because when wet they just sorta hang there like big wads of wet toilet paper. Linen, on the other hand, has enough texture to be mildly exfoliating in use, and it doesn't weigh as much as a watermelon when wet. So I love linen.

And I am getting increasingly crazy, because I actually felt moved to write that stirring little defense of linen. Excuse me, I'm going to go knit another hand towel while talking to myself.


Anonymous said...

I see the fish! Cool. :-)

Shawl, too. And I'm scared, I think, because I like the lacy doorway hanging idea...

vi said...

you know......i adore goldfish
i had a tank of fancy ones
ryukins, veiltails and fan tails

and mostly either orange.....white with orange or orange predominate calico

i love them

bernie changed the water with tap water one week and i lost the entire tank
it broke my heart

any fishy pictures you would like to post
would sure be wonderful to my eyes


zippiknits...sometimes said...

That's a really beautiful picture of your fish pond. TwinDD took pictures of the koi ponds in Balboa Park and the reflections of the buildings made for interesting mosaics.

Linen is one of the best fabrics for well, linens. It's not easy to find good real linen that isn't a blend now, for summer slacks. tc Catherine. I agree, it's already here, and they can't give us enough to make us love them. no way...

Anonymous said...

When you start posting about what happened on Jeopardy, we'll know you've been unemployed too long. (Is that show even on any more?)
I think we have all toyed with the idea of lace curtains. I almost bought a house because I knew exactly which pattern I would use for all the windows. I might have been able to finish them before I died. A little scary.

Debbie said...

I keep thinking that when I finally knit the 10 or 20 shawls that I have lined up in my mind to knit, I'll just use them all for curtains or various other wall hangings. I'll artfully throw them over curtain rods and it won't look crappy at all. Really.

I love linen. It gets to soft with use. Although I have a drawer full of sugar and creme (or is it peaches and sugar and ....) I don't like it and don't see the appeal except that it's cheap. Linen, though, isn't that much more expensive when you factor in the pleasure principle.

I love your fish pond.

Catherine said...

I'm so there - I'll throw the shawls on curtain rods and call it "artsy and eccentric!" I have used sugar and creme or peaches and creme or whatever, and I swear that it is MUCH harder on my carpal tunnel damaged hands than linen, and unlike linen, it most defintely does not improve with use. I'll take better pictures of the fish this week.