Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fun Quiz

Are You a Rebel or a Yankee?

I scored 55% in Dixie, which is totally on the mark, since I spent my formative years in Maryland. Not really Southern. Just sorta.

Thank the Girlchild, who forwarded it.


Anonymous said...

LOL - I spent several of my elementary school years in MD - I always considered it not really southern either...

But then again - I was fairly close to DC so that might have been part of it - that or I was dab smack in the middle of revisionist history, because I promise you - they always refered to the union as "we" at my school...

geogrrl said...

40% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee.

No surprise there. I would have been surprised if it were otherwise.

Sue said...

OK let's just GUESS what I got! 100%! What a shock.