Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Survived Wednesday.

I'm sorry, so much of my life is not blog-worthy. Don't be jealous, there is no Hot Man distracting me (yet, but I'm working on it). I go to work. I feel my brain being sucked out of my head, like some old episode of Star Trek I almost remember. There are tentacles, and it is followed by screaming. I come home. The dogs greet me like I have been gone for years. So do the cats, but that's only because I bring Thumbs, and the Wet Food.

Girlchild has started her last semester of her undergraduate life. Whoo! Graduation, God Willing, is August 5th. I am already contemplating a party or two. I'm thinking a small dinner in a nice restaurant party for immediate family, and a Holy Shit, She's DONE! casual party for the world in the community clubhouse -deli platters and beer, shoes not required. Or maybe just the casual party for everybody - the grandparents are too frail to join us, and everybody else is more of the beer and bare feet ilk -including the lawyers, who would be so glad to not have to act like lawyers.

As a matter of fact, Holy Shit, She's Done! would be a good invitation for these people. With an asterisk and "for now" in small print at the bottom, because grad school is in the cards. Remind me of that invitation idea around mid-July, because I will have forgotten.

For those who may wonder: "Why has Catherine stopped talking about politics on her blog?" I'm sorry, I just can't keep up. I'm enjoying the hell out of the karmic bitchslapping of the GOP that is taking place all around us, but who the hell can keep it all straight? I have a day job, I just can't keep up. My head is spinning with each new train wreck - I laugh so hard I get dizzy.

But I will confess: It's true. It's so weird. I have begun to feel Lust for Al Gore. (Apologies to Tipper.) I've been reading and listening and actually paying attention to the man, now that he is not the focal point of the SCLM, and I feel like I hardly knew him. Yeah, I voted for him, but now I'd sleep with him. (Just kidding Tipper. Really.) It's like Clark Kent slipped into the phone booth and took off his glasses. He's smart, a good guy, and sane, and it's so damn refreshing to listen to him, because he has a grownup vocabulary and does not Smirk. That's probably why the majority of the American population elected him president. I do hope he runs again. He won in 2000, let's re-elect him.

Knitting: When did I become a monogamous knitter? I have no idea how this happened, but all I want to work on right now, a few rows at a time, is the Seychelles Shawl. I have learned my lesson, the shawl is only for mornings, with caffeine. I can listen to the news and knit, I can't read blogs, keep an ear out for the TV, let the dogs in and out, and knit. So the progress is slow, but I haven't f-ed it up again yet. When I'm tired or drinking wine or talking on the phone or reading blogs, I fall back on crocheting the All-Season Shawl, because mistakes are ripped one stitch at a time. It's quite large now, but not large enough. I want it to be big. I have a ton of the Softball Cotton left, it was a huge cone. I'm sure I could get a second shawl out of it if I so desired, but I think I'll do a different style next time. I'm thinking it would be a good feather and fan Whatever - maybe it will stop at a baby blanket, maybe it will keep going into a rectangular shawl.

No photos of dogs today. No photos of knitting. Sorry!


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    and he invented the internet

    the knitting sounds like fun!

    congrats to The Girl. it's a hard row to hoe at any age.

  2. The Girl's row to hoe was harder than most - 3 weeks after she graduated from high school her father collapsed, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and most of her college life was spent worrying about him and stretching the money to pay bills and busting ass waiting tables and just surviving. She was always an "old soul" and wise beyond her years, but she had to go from 18 to 50 in a time when she should have been focused on the college experience. Both kids got screwed. We all got screwed. Cancer happens to the entire family. I'm so grateful that we are still standing.

  3. Congratulations to the Girlchild! She (and you) should be very proud.

    I had wondered what had happened to you.

    Have you been reading the last few entries on "Will Pillage for Yarn"? I recommend the YarnPirate's musings on some of the latest nonsense.

  4. Anonymous5:42 AM

    How about a bumber sticker that says Re-Elect Gore in 2006? It's probably out there somewhere.

    I'm afraid I don't get the Gore crush thing but you're far from the first person to mention these new feelings for the man.

    Did you see him on SNL? Download that clip if you haven't.

  5. C,

    When I lived in DC Tipper was Second Lady. She quietly, no press allowed, helped Health Care For Homeless People with casemanagement of their clients. So she's awesome too!

  6. Congrats to Girl Child (and MOM!), there's nothing wrong with knitting monogamy, and you're so right cancer happens to the whole family.
    Bare feet and beer is a TERRIFIC IDEA!

  7. Geogrrl - re "Will Pillage" - I am mostly bemused. I really didn't find it all that threatening, but then, I'm very jaded. It's part of the cultural change being crammed down on us - preparing every woman to be potentially pregnant is just part of the cultural shift envisioned by the people who think they are the majority at the moment (while at the same time, claiming Victimhood). It ain't gonna fly.

  8. Possibly not as ominous, but I still say it smacks of "The Handmaid's Tale" just as do the "Purity Balls".

    I don't think it will fly (despite efforts in some quarters) but my point to the YarnPirate still stands. This is an extension of an existing societal attitude toward women. And it goes back much further than the CDC report.
