Friday, April 28, 2006

Whoa! Too funny!

Yesterday I decided I'd take this afternoon off and go to the garden center and run all my errands so I can get out and do yard work bright and early tomorrow. And here's my horoscope this morning:

Daily work (by
Your body may be at work, but home is where your heart is -- and it's probably occupying your mind as well. Plan to take off early if possible; it'll motivate you to be at least somewhat productive in the meantime.

Okay, that's it - I am destined to take the afternoon off.


Sue said...

It's a stunningly stunning day here in SC. I will be in the garden as well. My roses are all blooming as is the jasmine so maybe I should have a party.

Cursing Mama said...

Have Fun! Hope the weather is better there than it is here!

Gigi said...

I got a chinese fortune cookie fortune the other day that was as fortuitous, about my move. SOme times I think the great cosmic lets us know we should continue along our current path, large or small.