Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spoiled? Moi? Every Boston feels entitled to rest his head on a red velvet pillow.


Debi said...


Catherine said...

That was the only pose that wasn't canine p@rn. I was focused on his sweet face and didn't notice the entire body angle in the other shots, but it gave a whole new meaning to the reclining on the red velvet pillow. Let's just say the package was on display and highlighted by the flash. Must get him fixed.

Anonymous said...

This weekend I think I hit a new pet owner low when my ex-boyfriend (who stays with me one weekend a month when he's off work) moved 'the dog's favorite head pillow' to the chair so that he (the ex) could nap on the couch. He didn't want the dog to suffer the indignity of using a less than optimal pillow for resting his little sheltie head.