Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Day Lost to Pollen.

I had big plans for today, yessiree. Then I woke up to When Allergies Attack. So I took a non-drowsy allergy medicine which didn't make me drowsy, but also took hours to quell the sneezing and snarking. I ran a few errands, and now I'm having the non-drowsy backlash effect - is it just me, or do non-drowsy allergy meds make you sleepy as they are wearing off?

I did buy groceries and wander Target for way too long and spent too much money (damn drugs, damn Target) but didn't do much else. I did work on the Clapotis. It's on the home stretch, I'm halfway through the decrease section. I think that tonight, if I can stay awake, I will drag out the ball winder and swift and wind the yarn for
this. I'm making it in that color, too.

I'm not usually a one project at a time person, but the handpainted yarns have me under their spell - I find it hard to put down Clapotis Two. It's such a delightful pattern, perfect for movie watching knitting. But it's almost time to move on, and time to focus on warm weather knitting - it's 82 degrees out there, for Godssake, I don't need a wool scarf. I need to focus on office-friendly light cardigans and such.

I am on a self-imposed Yarn Moratorium - no new yarn can enter the house until the end of July. We'll see if I can hold to that. I'm flexible, sort of - if I make honest progress eliminating stash that arbitrary 120 day freeze on new yarn can be abandoned, but first I have to make serious stash consumption progress. But then I see a gloriously glorious stash like this flashed stash, and I am humbled in the presence of greatness.

But feeling like a Stash Slacker is dangerous, it makes me want to keep up. I've decided that my new stash focus is luxury. Knitting in Florida is a luxury, not a necessity, and if I'm going to bother to do it at all there is no reason not to go first class. So after I make a decent dent in the stash (yarn moratorium or not) it's gonna be luxury all the way, baby. I have touched the Lion and the Lamb, and there ain't no turning back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, no more yarn purchases till after I get all moved, or at least packed up. No, moved. ANd, as I really have no idea how long that will be, no more yarn. I only really knit in winter, anyway, so it really isn't the sacrifice I am making it out to be!