Sunday, March 19, 2006

My house is a sty.

I spent yesterday driving across the state and back to visit my elderly parents. I tried for 10 years to get them to move closer to me without success, knowing that my father's bad heart would become a crisis one day and my mother would be on her own 2 hours away. That day is here and they are 2 hours away and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

So I went over to see how he was doing - very poorly. They both are. She's exhausted and looks like hell herself, he's barely able to get up and around, he's lost so much weight he's somewhere below 130 lbs. I spent a few hours there and left pissed off - where is hospice? Why hasn't his primary physician suggested hospice services? Why is my mother going nuts doing 24/7 caregiving duty, and why isn't a nurse coming in checking on him? I cannot take off work and drive across the state during the week to sit with him at doctor's appointments to ask what the hell is going on. So this week I'll see if I can get the primary to speak to me on the phone (if I can get past those HIPAA regulations) and ask him why hospice isn't involved yet.

I am so frustrated because this is exactly how I knew this would go down, and I tried, I really tried, for years while he was still fairly "healthy" to get them to move closer to me. I really don't have it in me to play primary caregiver again, I just can't do it - not only do I need my job (duh) but I gave all I had already. I know I could not go through that again. But I would like to be able to at least monitor what's going on, yell at doctors as needed, get services for them, whatever I can do to help while preserving my own health and sanity. They really need to be in an independent living senior apartment somewhere near me, where there is someone to call in an emergency, but now he's so frail we can't move him. And he won't leave "his doctors" - the same doctors he complains about because they are too hard to reach, don't answer questions, and are generally useless in an emergency, and of course emergencies always happen on weekends. I spent years pointing out that we have one of the top cardiac centers in the country here and it fell on deaf ears. So now it's going down, just as I knew, absolutely knew, it would, and it is as hard and frustrating as I knew it would be. I had my 80 year old mother clinging to me as I left, asking when I can come over again, and I know I'll be driving back and forth across the state a lot more often in the future. And it makes me want to cry with sadness and frustration, and not a little bit of anger, because this insane situation was preventable, and they didn't prevent it. I'm tired and angry and so fucking sick of being the responsible adult on deck for everybody. When do I get to flit around in Happy Denial and make people take care of ME?

I came home to my messy house, pile of laundry, cat hair tumbleweeds, and empty fridge. I'll take care of all of that today, then get up tomorrow and go to work, to a job I enjoy but that takes a lot out of me stress-wise as well. Last night I was so tired, physically and mentally, I went to bed at 7 p.m. and slept until 5 this morning. I never do that. Ever. I woke up tired. After I finish my tea I need to clean up this dump and make a grocery list.

Fuck. Just fuck.


  1. Oh crap. I am so sorry. I wish I could send you a sister - who lives with them!

    Not trying to tell you things you already know, but have you thought of calling social services in his county/city?


    sending you white light.

  2. This is Florida - there aren't any, unless you are destitute and then you get pretty much what you'd expect. They have assets and insurance, this isn't a lack of means, it's a lack of care/communication, either the doctors have suggested hospice and they rejected it, or the doctors never brought it up at all. I need to find out. I realize there is a limit to what I can do.

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    At least you are just two hours away and not up in Jacksonville. I know that's small comfort. Can Girlchild help with some of the housework? Since she lives there too, there's no reason you have to do it all.

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Chica, I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I have similar issues with my mother. I hope you find some respite today.
    big hug,

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    {hug}{hug} One of my closest friends has very similar problems. You all are doing the best you or anyone can do, so cut yourself some slack. I'm glad you put your post out there - then you can at least have people to listen. I hope people take care of you too - keep asking - the right ones will step up to help.

  6. Sad for you Catherine! Elderly parents can be real tough!

    Pehaps his doc isn't willing to put in writing that his cardiac disease is end stage and he has "one year or less". Plus he may be afraid to lose the business! OR perhaps the folks wont have the convo!

    Anyway I hope it works out with minimal hassle for all involved!

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I feel for you. If you lived nearby I'd buy you a drink! I think you need some dog and cat cuddling (perhaps not at the same time), plus the knitting. It won't solve the problem but it soothes and strengthens.

    Thinking of ya.

  8. hon, i'm sorry. and i do understand. my mom is 78 years old, and refuses to leave her apartment for an assisted living center. she does very well for herself right now, but, again, she IS 78.

    what you need to do is get medical POA for your parents. it's easily done (just a paper stating that you have those rights) and then the doctors HAVE to talk to you, especially if they have a copy of the POA. the hardest part will be convincing your parents it's a good idea. i have one for my mom, and it's been a godsend, since i am the primary transportation, and communicant, since she is deaf.

    hang in there, and keep fondling lion & lamb. i have a skein here, so i know the sheen it gives off. lucky you!
