Friday, January 20, 2006

Yay for Friday!

I tried to post last night, Blogger hiccupped, the post vanished, and "recover post" didn't recover shit. I said the hell with it.

This week has been Death by Meetings, and today is the coup de grace - an all day training class. I'm sort of looking forward to it, though - it's on time management, not one of my strong points. If it gets me psyched to get control of my time as Weight Watchers is doing for my diet, this could be a very good year indeed.

RE WW - after trying for two weeks to pick a meeting time that worked for both me and the Girlchild, who is trying to stave off laziness poundage, we surrendered and went with Weight Watchers Online. If I can't stick to it online I'll switch to meetings, but right now I really like the flexibility - it's like online banking, but with food. After weighing the Flex and Core plans I went with the Flex plan. Between meetings and happy hours and other things, I don't get to control where and what I eat very often lately. I decided it made more sense to be able to bank and barter the points right now. Again, if it doesn't work out I'll re-evaluate, but I'm really pleased with the food options so far, it's a far cry from the days of Special K and skim milk and fruit and my stomach growling loudly by 9:30 a.m.

I'm listening to Molly Ivins' Who Let the Dogs In? on my MP3 player while on the treadmill or knitting.

Knitting: Red Scarf Scarf. I should have this one done this weekend and I might, might, be able to bang out a second before the mailing deadline of January 28.

I think of so many things I want to blog about when I'm not sitting at the keyboard, then all I get is a snippet of time to throw out a few random things and I'm off again. This weekend ain't looking too good either, tomorrow's schedule is gym, Costco, haircut, housework and laundry, then party at the Boss's house tomorrow night, where I will probably fall asleep in the corner with someone's preschooler. Happy hour with co-workers tonight, too. The laundry hamper is full, the house has deteriorated into grubbiness, yes, I do need that time management class. And now it's time to get moving and start the day.

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