Monday, December 26, 2005

The oak tree that went down

during Jeanne is burning in the fireplace tonight. The landscapers are coming tomorrow, whoo. The holiday weekend is over, boo. This working for a living definitely has lost its charm. The Koigu is on its way to becoming Wendy's variation of a F&F scarf. I'm using the blues - I know it looks very purple in the photo, but the colorway is actually blues, cream and roses. Cheap camera. Love the scarf - it's going very fast and with a little light blocking will probably be done and wearable next weekend, as will Girl's green scarf. I think the green Koigu needs to be a vines lace. Photos next weekend. I shouldn't have been such a lazy slug, I should have taken pictures of the White Trash Landscaping today, so the Improved Yard will be that much more dramatic, but you all can use your imaginations and picture dead grass, weeds, and scraggly juniper bushes with weed-trees growing out of them. I'll be so relieved when this is done and the irrigation is working and it will stay alive, it has been about 5 years since the yard has had any attention other than the desperation backyard cleanup of a couple of years ago.

My biggest accomplishment of the weekend? Getting my Pocket DJ to talk to Audible. My worst expenditure of 2006? All the books I'll be listening to via Audible. But think of all the knitting and treadmill time I'll put in while listening, it'll be good.

Early to bed. Early to work. Makes a woman dateless, barely solvent, but yes, wise.

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