Matt Damon for President. Prescient, to say the least. I've always thought he was the brains of the Damon-Affleck duo, kinda like Carl Bernstein is way, way smarter than Bob Woodward. (Have you ever heard those two in an interview? Not hard to see who got lucky and caught a ride on the brain train.) Anyway, I've always liked Matt Damon, so I'm very disappointed with Mr. Damon for getting engaged, because it will be an unfortunate obstacle to marrying my daughter.

She's really smart, too. And funny. What is wrong with that man? Of course, it would have helped if they'd ever, you know,
met. I guess that was the really unfortunate obstacle. The perfect girl for him, languishing in middle class obscurity....
Another weekend bites the dust, and another work week of Weird Problems in Developer World is about to commence. I like the job, it's fun, it's challenging, but damn, it's like I went from Glorified Secretary Hating My Life to in charge of spotting the problems with and ramrodding the platting of the project that will make or break us overnight. Yes, I can handle it, but damn, I need a different title, because I am not comfortable doing this as a "paralegal" - I'm not practicing law, we have lawyers for that, but I'm also not doing paralegal work. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I know what I'm
doing, I just don't know what to call it. But I think it's safe to say I have busted the paralegal pink straightjacket, and God willing, I'll never have to put it on again. Whoo.
I finished Don't Think of An Elephant today while still plugging away obsessively on the baby blanket for the non-existent grandsprout. It's not about the grandchild, it's about the blanket. I love the linen, I love the feather and fan, I'm obsessed with both and the blanket is just the expression of my freaking twisted obsession.

But I love it. I love the color, I love the way the brainlessly easy, a step and a half up from garter stitch pattern looks so cool and takes so little effort. I love the linen. I am totally doing linen washcloths and fancy soaps as small "office" gifts this Christmas, I love working with linen and washcloths go quickly, and linen washcloths are so wildly superior to cotton, it's like champagne vs. grape Kool-Aid. I've been using the two I've made so far and I love them to death, and use them instead of the usual nylon poof-thing with my bodywash in the shower. Unlike cotton warshcloths, linen cloths are light even when wet. They're absorbent but don't get sodden and feel like drooping blobs of fiber in the hand. They have just the right exfoliation properties - where knitted cotton soaks up water, weighs a damn ton and barely lathers in our hard water, linen is freaking awesome. So yeah, it's going to be linen all the way for this OCD personality, until the next obsession surfaces. Which could be tomorrow, my attention span being what it is.
I'm sure I had other stuff to blog about, but it's gone now. Oh well.
Catherine....I am still reading Lakoff's book. Hope to finish it this week. I just want to understand how bush's supporters hold on to their allegiance when all the facts don't appear to support their views. I'm not talking about the far right or the neocons. I'm talking about all of those in the middle.
ReplyDeleteI thought the statement that when the facts don't fit the hard-wired view of "how things are," the facts are discarded made a lot of sense. It fits with experiences I've had, talking to people. The other thing I've noticed is that conservatives, even the ones who think of themselves as "moderate" have really bought in to the "liberal media" mind game and only trust Fox, while liberals tend to get their news from a variety of sources, including international sources. It's kinda hard to believe a lie when you hear a consistent and different story from 7 other places, but if you only trust Fox and the talking heads, you believe what they tell you. This was illustrated for me back in the Schiavo case drama - a friend of mine is a staunch conservative and in the course of arguing the rightwing line on the case, he said, "The least they could do is appoint a guardian ad litem!" I said, "She had THREE, including one appointed by Jeb Bush, and all three reports were consistent, there was no abuse, her husband was sincere, they really felt he was looking out for her best interest. The governor's GAL's report is online, I'll give you the link." He was absolutely stunned into silence, had nothing to say after that - but did it make him question where he gets his news? Nope.
ReplyDeleteAhhh yes, the idea that those koolaid drinking folks think they are getting the News from Fox. My kool aid drinking family member told me it wasn't ALL right wing. SIGH. I guess that depends on the definition of right wing.
ReplyDeleteMy mind is completely boggled by their ability to dismiss 100% facts/evidence if it does not fit the story as told by Fox. It's utter brainwashing, like the victim in an abusive relationship.
It's not hard to get different news sources. I'm a VERY lazy person but I get all sorts of news sources, some through your blog (Thank You) and At My Knits End and other news links.
I love those pictures of my daughter, because 1) they really do look like her; and 2) they are not Glamour Shots. Those were taken outdoors in Tallahassee by a friend of hers - obviously a guy who knows what to do with a camera, but there was no stylist, makeup artist or fan carefully blowing her hair just so. She's so photogenic, you could just puke.
ReplyDeleteI'm very lazy too. I've found a few useful sources for news stories - Kerstin is definitely one of them - and I follow links back to source documents. It doesn't take long to do, it doesn't take a rocket scientist if you have a computer and can click on a hyperlink. My mother is 79, she's very well informed and has directed ME to news sources. Basically, there is no excuse for getting all your news from Fox or the other networks that are nearly as corporate-controlled, the other sources are out there and an intelligent adult can sift through the information and form an opinion. We don't have to have it spoonfed to us with boogeyman stories of terrorists and the Liberals.
ReplyDeleteRandom Aside:
ReplyDeleteHave you been watching "DaVinci's Inquest"?
I've really missed it since leaving home, and was thrilled to see it showing up on channels down here. It's definitely addictive.
That's exactly right, they ARE boogeyman stories. So why don't more intelligent people see through it - more importantly, why didn't they see through it BEFORE they relected this clown?
ReplyDeleteOn a more pleasant note, your daughter is absolutely beautiful, and I bet she's smart and sassy like you, true? Chelle