Monday, September 26, 2005

Big Brass Ones.

Brownie's got a heckuva new job.

Interesting, too, how little coverage the anti-war march received in the "Liberal" Mainstream Media. The lowest estimate on a mainstream news website said 100,000 people, and others said that was lowballed down from 250,000. The following day's "Pro War" "countermarch" gathered, at the most, 500 people. Yet the wire services carried the counter-protest stories as if giving them equal weight, and backhandedly mentioned the "tens of thousands" (yeah, about 20 or so tens) the previous day, and I had the TV on all day on Saturday and heard not jack shit about any enormous march in Washington on any channel.

It's all Katrina, All the Time, when it's not about Rita. Can't wait to see what else happens while we're not looking.


  1. so much for the "liberal media" - I am getting tired of having to go to international news sources to find out everything that is going on in this country.

  2. Good Lord. I knew Brownie would come out smelling like roses, but I thought he would end up with a cush job at a private company. The audacity of him 'consulting' for FEMA is mind-boggling. The probably gave him a raise, too.

  3. Anonymous1:45 AM

    At least it's just as easy now to access, for instance, the BBC online as CNN or whatever. But it sure is galling. The liberality of the media is overwhelming.

    Brownie. Jesus.
