Monday, August 08, 2005

More Re the Patronizing White Guys.

Florida State University responds to NCAA decision banning use of Native American symbols

My daughter and I have been having some fun with this concept, free associating other team names we could find Offensive. She had the inspired choice of the Crimson Tide. I am all over this one - CLEARLY a cruel mocking of women who suffer from heavy periods! Those are not a laughing matter, buster! In fact, it could be construed as ridiculing of women's biology in general, a violating and sexist name! Oh, they may SAY that's not what it means, but if we are offended, then...we are offended! I suggest every menstruating woman join my class action suit* against names that offend us!

And while we're at it, how about that degrading middle-aged women's clothing line at Penney's? "Sag Harbor?" Do they think that's funny? I'm offended, dammit!!! Let's sue them.

Let's get OFFENDED! Let's find as many team names as we can that offend us - so far I'm on board with the "Fighting Irish" and the "Crimson Tide." This idiocy should be met with idiocy.

*Just kidding about the class action suit, but you know, it actually has a certain appeal....


  1. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

    Tell Girlchild that "Crimson Tide" WAS especially inspired.

  2. My question about school athletic team names is, why are there so many Trojans out there? The Trojans LOST, fer cryin' out loud! Don't these schools teach history?

  3. And what, Trojans are a brand of condoms and so many schools can not teach sex ed without parental permission... How about naming a team after something that would offend men like Limp.... (I won't go there.)

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I have to say, I can see their point if it is a derogatory name, such as Redskins. I just think that as long as we continue to use these names, it contributes to the stereotype.

    But I always enjoy reading your blog, and am happy you are enjoying the new job. We can respectfully disagree.

  5. I can see the point with Redskins, too, I'm surprised that name has lasted as long as it has, and I'm not saying that teams shouldn't look at their names/symbols and be sensitive to offensive connotations, but in the case of FSU no offense was taken, just the opposite, in fact, so they didn't deserve to be caught in this PC dragnet.
