Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What THE....?

Supreme Court Pick Shifts Attention from Rove. Not that part, that's so "DUH!" It's laughable. If this doesn't work, maybe someone will spot bin Laden in a Dairy Queen in Memphis, buying a Blizzard with Elvis.

The part that caused my eyes to bug:
Bush originally had planned to announce a replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on July 26 or 27, just before his planned July 28 departure for a month-long vacation at his Crawford, Texas, ranch, said two administration officials, who spoke on the condition they not be named.

Okay, so we all know he is the most vacationing president ever, and perhaps we're better off because of it, but raise your hand if you get a month off at a time? And how many of us are Commander in Chief of a nation at war? Hands down. Yeah, I know they have a virtual White House set up there and he can always be in touch and blah blah, but the reality is, we have precious little evidence that he's in touch when his ass is on Pennsylvania Avenue, and it's a truly breathtaking act of bad PR to let him go play cowboy for an entire month, while constantly whipping us into panic mode over The Wahr on Terra! and 911!! 911!!

1 comment:

  1. As Frazier Crane would say, Dear God, an entire month off for W?!
    I'm sorry but I think that most hours of most days of most weeks of most months of most years for him are vacation "daze" off! Yipes.
