Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Oh, and

Summer Knitty is great. Especially the articles. God Bless our Marines, and an extra hard hug to the ones who knit and convert others to the fiber fold. And owning a knit shop in Flagstaff sounds like heaven. And it's so great that men are taking up the useful and portable and stress-reducing and sanity saving hobbies that involve playing with fibers, and in public, too.

Not that women need male validation of the things we know are true, but because it's just nice that guys are catching on and converting other, perhaps recalcitrant males. Face it guys, you could have an amazing stash of cashmere for the price of a good workshop power tool, and take it with you everywhere you go, on planes and in meetings and in hotel rooms in BFE, and even if all you made were socks for yourself, at least your feet would think they died and went to heaven. It's a good thing to know how to do. And your blood pressure will drop. I'm just sayin'....


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Yay for the new job! SO happy for you. I think it is HIGH TIME you caught a break and had some shitfree time...
    Thanks for the weather update...I sure hope we don't have another 'cane filled season. bleh.
    The reason I took the Tavist? Carson has to have it twice a day, so it is on the shelf above the sink. It would have taken a drive to the pharmacy to get Benedryl....but now I'm gonna get the spray AND the caps to keep on hand in case of emergency.

  2. I use Claritin-D as a daily runny nose fix, but Benadryl is the thing for stings - gotta send that big whomp of antihistamine in there as fast as possible. If it makes you drowsy, whatever, it's better than the lingering pain of a bad sting. I put my (properly gardening gloved) hand into a fire ant mound, oh God, maybe 15 years ago, they swarmed over the wrist of the glove and down inside, and I was stung a couple dozen times before I could get the glove off and the little bastards off my hand. It put me off gardening gloves for all but handling the most thorny things - I'll take the scrapes over that - and onto fast Bendryl intervention. I sprayed generously, then I gulped two, I took a nap, and I did not break out in enormous gross fire ant blisters. They can make non-drowsy things for sniffles, but when you need the heavy ammo it takes good old knock you on your ass Benadryl.

  3. i know, i read summer knitty last night, too, and you are right. it's great to see a big tough marine with needles and yarn in his hands, admitting that he loves to do it. i also liked the article about the his/hers stashes. that was cute. go knitty!
