Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's Official....


Today was exhausting - a crazed attempt to download most of the esoteric details in my brain into Boss, and practical tips to the sweet, smart and brave temp who was dragged into manning the desk and tackling shoving the paper in the right directions, until a permanent replacement is suckered in hired. Boss was so damn brave. Real boss came up from South FL to take a bunch of us (me, Boss, and our buds) to lunch, we had a great time, and Boss gave me a lovely new laptop bag/briefcase he picked it out with his own two hands. He was so proud, he chose it because it was both practical and the topstitching made it "girly." Awwww. Not really what I'd have picked but I'll use it and love it to pieces, because he picked it all by himself, and that's so hard for guys.

Many hugs from many people, and SO many "Good for you, you're doing the right thing!"s from people I barely know. Such a hap-hap-happy place.

I now have TEN consecutive days off in a row, a luxury unknown to so many of us who toil in Corporate America. Not because our employers don't GIVE the vacation time, but because we can't TAKE it, because the shit is flowing too hard and fast and more than a few days away, even with checking voicemail and email "on vacation," is just not worth the price of re-entry. Not a problem our Wartime Commander-in-Chief has noticed in the rest of America, but I digress....

Goodbye to Boss of course was not goodbye, we are already planning an assembly of the posse for drinks in a couple of weeks. We've been friends since, I'm trying to count - 1992? 1993? A damn long time. We are bound together on some cosmic level of friendship and that's not going anywhere. So our goodbye was quite unemotional -"Go kick ass, you'll be running things in a year," and "I'm going to nag the living shit out of you until you push the job search and get out of here too, our talents aren't used here." That was the Emotional Farewell.

I think I'll sleep well tonight. If the freaking lizards and frogs will shut up. There is a drainage swale/ditch behind my back fence, and after the many inches of rain we have had it's full and a freaking Playboy Mansion for horny amphibians. I have been awakened at 3 a.m. every night for the past two-plus weeks, listening to the amphibian equivalent of "HEY BAYBEEE!" and the answering calls of, "BUY ME A DRINK, HANDSOME!" The party gets started after midnight and goes on until 4-ish. I fall into a fitful sleep until the clock goes off at 5:30. Yeah, I'm loving summer so far.

Knitting - a few rows on the latest baby hat. I had no idea how addictive baby clothes are, I think I'm going to shove the useful portions of The Stash toward baby things for grandchildren-to-be-identified-later. Because baby stuff is instant gratification.


  1. Yee hah!

    You had me laughing SO hard, thinking about the amphibian debauchery going on in the drainage ditch. Interesting visual.

    Yes, baby clothes ARE addicting. I've finished two sweaters, am working on a third, as well as three hats and three sets of bootees. Go me.

    Read the July 20, 2005 entry from "Justinland" and the comment below the entry. I laughed my ass off.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Congrats. Enjoy your 10 days off!!

  3. No pressure on the kids there - eh? How will you ever explain the trunk full of baby clothes to them?

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I've been knitting baby clothes for grandchildren-to-be as well (I think my kids are about the same age as yours) but I don't show the stuff to my girls anymore because they think I'm a little bit crazy.

    But, it's a good kind of crazy!

  5. Cursingmama - my son has expressed zero interest in marriage and children but my daughter definitely plans to have kids one of these days, and of course, if they don't, they can always be given to charity. And considering the speed with which I finish projects, starting now isn't as crazy as it sounds. :-)

  6. Congrats!!!! Ten whole days off!!! Okay, the real question is how long will you last with driving the dogs crazy? But think of all of that knitting time. And I would love to hear a frog or two croaking or even see a lizard. There aren't too many up here in Maryland.

  7. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Oh, girl, what can I say? Only others who have slogged the maddening slog can know that capital L Liberation Day when it hits! May you be a model to us all!
    enjoy the vacation immensely...

  8. Ms. C.
    Congrats on being outta there & a "good luck to you all" & maybe a "'neener neener neener" to the folks left behind, except for Boss of course who sounds like a prince among men & a tho'tful one as well.
    Re the sounds from the playboys & playgirls in your back yard, I would take those sounds vs. living in a BIG city & hearing what I hear.
    Have a fabulous 10 days - live it up.

  9. Marfa, if you heard the frog orgy you would say otherwise. This isn't the sweet chirping of nature, it sounds like they have a head banger band and a PA system out there. And at least one of them takes up residence right under my bedroom window and screams to them from afar - and I mean SCREAMS, piercing, intermittent, shrill, endless screams. I love my little froggie and lizard buddies, but if I could get my hands on that one at 3 a.m., I'd kill it with my bare hands. Girl came into my room late one night - hers is on the other side of the house - and said "Oh my GOD, how do you sleep in here?" The answer is, I don't. Not after 3 a.m.

  10. baby clothes are most definitely addicting. i have no babies, (my baby will be 11 on the 8th(wait, the 8th, oh shit, i better get to the store!)), and my oldest are only 19 & 20, so no babies. i only know one person who is having a baby, and it's a girl, but i can't snow her under in clothes, lol. i do alot for charity, to ease my need. and congrats on 10 days off. i'm jealous. i only have 5 hours of vacation time and 8 hours of personal time left until nov. sigh.
