Monday, July 25, 2005

Daily Kos has a great article

on one of my favorite stores: Asshole analysts rag on Costco. I think we already know that Wall Street's "values" are not America's, and it's very possible to be successful and profitable and not do it on the backs of minimum wage workers, but it always bears repeating. Costco is near to my heart for extending health benefits to its part-timers as well. That is a legendary dirty trick of the rodent-oriented theme park and infamously cheap retail giant that make Orlando the third world country it is, the practice of employing herds of part-time employees who don't get squat for benefits, while spending the money running self-serving ads crowing about the fabulous benefits offered to "employees who qualify." You little people won't be one of them, but the executives are doing fine, thanks.

And while I'm ranting, the next time some clueless Republican drone tells me we have the "best health care system in the world" I may get mad enough to arrange for the dumbshit to experience it personally, via the emergency room. I'm just saying.

Roofer man comes at 10, and afterward I need to pick up new contact lenses, and othewise I have a relaxing day of Ribby Cardi ahead. Aaaahhh....


  1. Enjoy your "work free" Monday!

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Totally with you on the health system. and costco gets my dollars, too because they gave 70+% of their political contributions to Kerry and the dems. Don't have to tell you which way the walfart and Rodent Hegemony went...
    Enjoy your time off!

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Yes, it's a wonderful health care system IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE. Jeez. The knuckleheadedness of some people never ceases to amaze me. I work for a 3rd party benefis administrator and it's terrible to see elderly people unable to pay the premiums for health insurance -- and this is under a group policy. Gah!

    ANYway -- yes, enjoy your week! I'm jealous. :-)
