Sunday, July 31, 2005

As my last act of preparation

for the new job, I am sitting here with color on my hair. The roots were getting nasty. I got it trimmed today - eh, an okay cut, basic shoulder-length bob. I'm still trying to decide what to do with it, but at least the overly long, overly flat, overly, "Uh, do you think you're 17, or what?" thing is over. Long hair works over 40 if you put the effort into it, by that I mean expensively cutting layers and conditioning rich, sexy waves. Otherwise, over 40 hair tends to just kinda hang there, like...never mind. A good cut, a good bra, you can't do without either one. The cut is so-so but I feel marginally less dowdy, and it was only a $12 haircut so I can't bitch too much. Back in the Day I used to spend upward of $35 a month on my haircuts, until that dark day a year ago when The Artist Formerly Known As The Great One mistook me for one of his Seminole County Republican Matrons and left me looking like the love child of Laura Bush and Betty Crocker. I have not found a real stylist and have just gone to walk in salons to hack away at the worst of the growing out damage, and the last whacking was back in May. It was down past my shoulders, and not in a good way. I need a real stylist again one of these days.

It has done nothing but rain like a sumbitch every afternoon since the new roof went on. Yesterday's storm was a deluge, like my house went over Niagra Falls in a barrel, and nothing leaks and it looks very nice indeed. The color is even better than I'd imagined from the 3 inch sample shingle too. I'm pleased. My hair should turn out so good.

I finished back and both fronts of the Ribby Cardi and after reviewing the leavings of the Afghan That Wasn't, I am switching the sleeve color to navy. I have enough black for the body of a whole nother sweater, and could do one in black and burgundy. That one will have the flat panel. I'm kinda regretting doing this one in the rib all over, I'm not sure how that will work with boobage.

Otherwise, I've been cleaning house, cleaning my head, getting ready for the new job. Boss called the other day while bored in a mediation, we'll assemble the posse in a week or so for lunch or drinks. He's surviving just fine, as I knew he would, or at least he's being very brave about it. And if he doesn't may it be motivation for him to get serious about his own job search.

I had other things to blog about, stuff I read here and there on other people's blogs, random ideas wandering around in my head, but it's 9 and I need to go rinse the goop off my head and walk the boys and pull the last load of laundry from the dryer. Party on....


  1. Good Luck, um, today! Best wishes for a great new start!

  2. Woo Woo - me too. Good luck to you!

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I wish you well at the new job. Do you have an Aveda Institute near you? My friends think I'm the bravest person I know because I go there--it's a school! But I swear, I get the best cut and color on my mousy, flat, over-40 hair that I've ever had. And it's cheap, cheap, cheap. It takes a little longer, because the student and the instructor discuss your head at every step, but I think it's worth it.

    Endorsement over. I was just thinking about you, and wanted to wish you luck today.

    (Oh, and ribbing and boobage? Ha! How many sweaters did I give away before I realized I couldn't pull that off any more!? I'm glad you're test driving that pattern. I've been meaning to make it myself. . . )

  4. Good luck on your first day (and the rest after that)!

    I second the recommendation for the Aveda school. I go to the one here in Baton Rouge, and it's $10 for a cut, including shampoo and blow-dry. Because they're students, plan on about 1 to 1.5 hours. On the plus side, because they're students, and they're being graded, they're super-careful. I'm picky because my hair is dead straight and shows every little mistake/irregularity. The students here handle it fine. Strangely, they're fascinated by perfectly straight hair. Go figure.

    I know what you mean about the longer hair. For the last year or two, I've kept mine in a chin-length, inverted bob (with layers), but I've also gone shorter. I grew my hair out down to the small of my back in my early 30s--for old times' sake. Then I remembered what a pain in the arse such long hair is; not to mention it's more appropriate to someone younger. So I hacked it all of and I've kept it short since then.

  5. Ms. C.,
    Hope your 1st day went well & that they treated you very very well! They are lucky to have you there w/them.
    Glad the roof is a success - an idea whose time has come I'd say.
    Party on, Wayne.
