Thursday, September 16, 2004

Okay, so Ivan comes ashore, and the worst reported damage so far is to...Pensacola. They got trashed. The northeastern side of the storm is the worst, and the eye came in in Alabama and they got slammed, but a lot of the wicked shit was in...Florida. Again. This time it was Pensacola. Maybe God's just pissed off at Jeb because He knows another election is about to be manipulated. (That's a joke, for the humor-impaired - after all, Tallahassee wasn't hit.) But then, we've gotten swatted worse this year than in what, four decades, and right before a highly contested election where FL was the "deciding vote" last time. And the "conservative" zones of the state are the ones getting smacked down each time....

Girlchild reports that 5 people died in the tornadoes 5 miles away from her. They had wind and rain and lost power briefly, and some of the trees are leaning ominously, but no big deal. She won't park her car under the leaning trees.

Meanwhile, on an actual knitting, or at least knitting-related note,
I bought some stuff on sale from J.Jill and one of the items was a ribbon-yarn pullover, very plain, rolled neck/edges, for, like $25. I can't knit it for that. But the point of my sharing this is that I realized that my knitting taste reflects my wardrobe taste. I like simple and classic and unobtrusive clothing. This is not because I am a shy wallflower who does not want to be noticed. If saw me in action in a social situation in which I wanted to be noticed, you'd not question this. But I want to be noticed for me, not for my clothing, so elaborate clothing is not my style. My knitting is a reflection of my own taste, if it's plain or boring by other knitterly standards, oh well. I like it.

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